Our lab is located at the Charite, Berlin in the CrossOver Building. We are part of the Institute of Integrative Neuroanatomy and
member of the NeuroCure Cluster, the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin (BCCN Berlin) and the Research Training Group “Sensory Computation in Neural Systems” (GRK 1589).
Imre Vida M.D., Ph.D., PI ORCID |
Sabine Grosser Ph.D., Assistant professor |
Agnieszka Münster-Wandowski Ph.D., Assistant professor |
Paul Turko Ph.D., Research fellow |
Federico Jose Barreda Tomas Ph.D. student |
Alix Guinet Ph.D. student |
Zhengzheng He Ph.D. student |
Rita Loureiro Ph.D. student |
Alicja Melchior Secretary |
Linda Brenndörfer MTA |
Heike Heilmann MTA |
Ina Wolter MTA |
Felix Bolduan, Medical Student
Claudius Erwin Degro, Medical Student
Clara Sophie Pohl, Dentist
Leo Fabig, Medical Student
Former lab members
Anja Matthiae, Ph.D.
Sam Booker, Ph.D.
Maria Pangalos, Ph.D.
Song Jie, M.A.
Ferdinand Browa, M.A.
Marta Nabias, M.A.